In the future, www.MattJReptiles.com is going to be my new web site.
Until then, this site will continue to operate as before and eventually
be forwarded to my new web site. I really miss working with
frogs, but it's something my wife and I simply cannot dedicate the time
and effort to at this point in our lives. To the left you will
see links that take you to specific
Please take some time to browse and let me know what you are interested
in. All animals available on this
are captive bred, unless stated otherwise. I do not deal in wild
caught or brokered animals for resale on a regular basis.
The species represented on this site are currently maintained in my
Comments and feedback are welcome. Thank you for taking the time
to check out our website!
Matt at
soon to be www.MattJReptiles.com
All photos and content
© 1999-2011
www.Monkeyfrog.com and www.MattJreptiles.com. All Rights Reserved.
Written permission (e-mail)
for any photo or content usage. Updated on 12-11-11. Thanks.